Dual Citizenship

I was at Riverside National Cemetery recently, committing to the ground the remains of a veteran whose physical life here had come to an end. As the scriptures speaking the promises of God for His saints were being read, a “Missing Man” fly-over stopped me for a moment: A tribute to a fallen hero. Seldom do we see so vividly the spiritual and the secular so closely laid beside one another, two kingdoms, and those of us gathered there that day, were clearly citizens of both. What an honor it was for me this day to stand there and serve God and Country. God deserves my Utmost, but these men and women whose remains lie here, they deserve my respect and they deserve to be remembered by us all. They answered the call and gave of their life that I may worship freely and serve God without fear and reprisal. They protected our freedom and provided for our peace. Lest they be honored and remembered then who of future generations will answer the call of tomorrow and defend us from tyranny and persecution? Take the time to travel the distance to Riverside National Cemetery. Walk among the memorials. Visit the Medal of Honor Recipients. Gaze upon the tress, the grasses, the ponds and streams and gaze up into the skies of heaven. Remember the fallen. Who would think that a place often associated with war and death could be such a place of great and serene peace? Sadly wars will continue as long as there are men who seek their own gain, but here we can find solace remembering the words we find in psalm 46… “Be still and know that I am God… The God of Jacob is our fortress..”

Thank you to all the veterans of this nation.

Rev. Bill Baker